Terms & Conditions of the www.university-lean.com e-store

General provisions

The Terms and Conditions outlined below specify the principles of using this e-store website.

This e-store is operated by:     Lean & Mean Consulting


Acceptance of Terms & Acknowledgements

The use of this e-store website means the acceptance of the terms associated therewith. The terms and conditions given below constitute the entire agreement between you and www.university-lean.com and govern your use of the service.

By using www.university-lean.com website you acknowledge and state that:

  • you have read the terms and conditions given below which you accept. Otherwise,  you shall not  use this website and service;
  • the owner may revise these terms & conditions at any time by updating this page. The revised terms & conditions shall remain binding for the customers.
  • you will use the website and the services at your sole risk. The website and services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis;
  • You will agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from all actions, claims, costs, losses, damages, or liabilities in relation to this e-store and to any person in case you fail to comply with these terms and conditions;
  • www.university-lean.com shall not be held responsible for any lacking performance, unavailability or failure of the services or the web site. We do not guarantee that the use of our service will be free from viruses and errors
  • www.university-lean.com makes no warranty that (1) the service will meet your requirements (2) the results that may be obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable, and (3) the quality of any products, services, information or other material purchased or obtained through the service will meet your expectations;
  • no advice, information or other material obtained from this e-store website shall create any warranty other than expressly stated in the terms and conditions given below;
  • www.university-lean.com, at its sole discretion, may terminate the use of the service and remove and discard any content within the service, for any reason. You will agree that www.university-lean.com shall not be liable for any termination of your access to the service.


Intellectual Property

www.university-lean.com owns all proprietary and intellectual property rights in the website, including all material underlying and forming part of the services and the web site. You will agree not to adapt, reproduce, copy, distribute, display, publish any part of this website, including purchased items and material, without the prior consent of the owner or against the terms of the customer license given below. Any violations of these terms may result in the refusal of your continued access to this website without notice. In case of violations, the owner is also entitled to institute legal proceedings to the fullest extent of protection under the law.



Personal information received through your use of this website will be kept confidential at all times. We shall not release or disclose this information to third parties without your consent (unless required to do so by law).


Sale agreement (purchase order) terms

Announcements, advertisements, price lists and other information about the items given on this website  will be considered an invitation to sign an agreement.

In order to conclude the product sale agreement, you will enter the website of the e-store, select the item and place the order by adding the item to the cart and follow with the activities requested. Prior to adding an item to the cart, you must agree with the Terms & Conditions.

You have to provide us with accurate information.


Customer License & Approved Use

After concluding the sale agreement and paying the price, you will obtain a license to access and make personal use of the items elected

The Customer License may have two forms, viz. a single location license and multi-location license.

Depending on the license variant, each copy of the presentations and tools can be used throughout a single Customer location or at multiple locations. Multiple copies may reside on computers within that location(s), or on the intranet for that location(s).

The presentations are intended for use aimed at training individuals within an organization, while the tools are intended for a wide use to provide value and satisfy Customer’s needs.

The handouts, tools and presentations may be customized to suit your needs and preferences.

You shall not the purchased item (in whole or in part) other than on the terms of the customer license and these Terms & Conditions.

You shall not reproduce, transmit, make available, link to, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, sublicense or otherwise utilize the copyright related to  the items purchased or their substantial parts without prior written permission of www.university-lean.com

You are entitled to use the particular parts of the items purchased in your own works or create derivative works based upon the material or items purchased through this e-store website within an organization according to the license agreement.

You shall not use any part of the items or material purchased through this website in your own works as their author towards any third party, without clear indication that: (1) the materials used originate from and have been purchased through this e-store website, (2) that www.university-lean.com owns all proprietary and intellectual property rights pertaining to these items or materials.


Limitation of liability clause

You expressly agree that www.university-lean.com shall not be liable for any damages resulting from any use of the service, the inability to use the service or any other matter relating to the service or any items or materials purchased or obtained through the service.

You will release www.university-lean.com from any liability if the software we provide to you is not suitable for your present hardware or software.

The information, items and any material contained in or made accessible by the e-store website have been formulated in good faith and with all due diligence. However, the e-store does NOT warrant: (1) their accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness; (2) that they are free from errors, computer viruses or other defects; (4) their fitness of purpose for any use.


Law, regulations and jurisdiction

www.university-lean.com shall make every and each reasonable effort to comply with the laws and regulations applicable in Poland and does not warrant or infer any compliance with other countries’ laws. You shall be subject to any local laws governing  your use of the site or agree to comply with such laws.



If, at any time, any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under any law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the law of any other jurisdiction will in any way be affected or impaired.