Module 11

TPM – Total Productive Maintenance

Strategy for Effective and Productive Plant Maintenance


TPM is a long term strategy aimed at ensuring the maximum availability and reliability of machines and production equipment. Since availability is the key factor influencing the productivity level (OEE), we need to track production running time to capture all losses caused by breakdowns, setups, planned and unplanned maintenance, programmed breaks and any organizational issues, e.g. idling reasons. If the measurement of these losses is accurate, we can finally calculate the level of micro-stoppages and speed losses which affect Performance – the second element of the OEE calculation method.

Effective TPM maintenance strategy is focused on preventing breakdowns, micro-stoppages and speed losses. The key element, apart from Autonomous Maintenance, is to set Planned Maintenance to prevent machine failures and breakdowns. This will result in Focused Improvement to reduce micro-stoppages and losses that effect efficiencies.
Module 11 of Academy presents the complete TPM strategy and its components in a friendly way. In particular, we will learn about the new role for maintenance technicians and production operators (AM, referred to in Module 12)
TPM is also a philosophy and way of thinking concentrated upon the general rule of preventing instead of reacting to a problem.

Recommended Audience

Production and Maintenance management staff, Leaders, managers and LEAN specialists and wider management staff.


Multimedia presentation, short lectures, individual exercises, group activities and discussions and Q&A

Learning Objectives

TPM. Strategy for effective and Productive Maintenance (1 day).

  • Review of the strategy and philosophy of TPM.
  • How TPM interacts with the 5S and the Kaizen system.
  • Understanding the TPM tools so as to constructively identify the types of losses and take steps to effectively eliminate them.
  • Setting Planned Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance and Focus Improvement activities. Training and Education Plan for operators.
  • Understanding the methodology of the TPM implementation.
  • Review of the TPM indicators, e.g. OEE, MTBF, MMTR and others.

Tools / Templates / Methods

  • Calculating MTBF together with MTTR and MTTF. It’s a smart Excel tool in one file that supports production and maintenance with tracking all the indicators as well as printing the charts. In a very visual and user friendly way this tool ensures a high quality data for the management.
  • TPM One-Point-Lesson.A standard template of the Good Practices Chart in relation to the TPM. Increases the efficiency of eliminating waste and of the training of the production personnel.


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