Problem Solving

Module 15

Problem Solving

Approach to Effective Solving Problems / PDCA / 5WHYS / Ishikawa Diagram / Pareto Diagram


The skill of Problem Solving, both in a group and individually, is absolutely indispensable in each and every organization, especially in a “Learning LEAN Organization”. This is the essence of Kaizen philosophy and the drive for Continuous Improvement.

Effective problem solving is an art which can be mastered through training in methodology, analytical and reasoning skills. However, first of all, by active participating in Problem Solving Groups. Although the sense of a need for solving problems is incontestable, the question is how effective we are in this field?

Basically, there can be two kinds of approaches to problem solving. A typical common sense approach using reasoning skills and the so-called ‘scientific‘ one which also is known as the PDCA cycle. In both approaches we should have been supported by useful tools and proven methodologies on how to proceed.

In this module of LEAN Academy we will learn about how to reconcile both PDCA and common sense approaches. This will result in the Problem Solving Groups being successful. We will also meet all the necessary tools to make the problem solving assignments more likely to succeed.

Recommended Audience

Leaders, managers and LEAN specialists, Process Engineers and wider management staff.


Multimedia presentation, short lectures, individual exercises, group activities and discussions and Q&A

Learning Objectives

Problem Solving (1 day).

  • Presentation of the principles and main concepts of the Problem Solving.
  • Understanding the PDCA methodology, a step-by-step instruction how to ensure success in problem solving.
  • Boards and A3 sheets (A3 Storyboard)
  • Roles and tasks of the Problem Solving Teams / Groups
  • Why the problem solving actions are not always effective? 10 typical mistakes made by the Problem Solving Teams.
  • Key success factors in problem solving.

Tools / Templates / Methods

  • A3 Storyboard. A visual tool for solving problems using a visual approach to the methodology of PDCA. A very effective transfer of good practices and an effective tool for solving complicated and complex problems.
  • PSD 8D Complete Tool-Set. A complex problem solving tool including A3 Storyboard, Ishikawa Diagram, 5 Why’s and 8 Disciplines . In a very visual way the PSD tool helps manage solving any problem, especially those related to quality management.
  • 5 Why’s Template. A simple but effective tool to run the exercise of 5 Whys that is essential to identify root causes of any problem that has been previously depicted. It works well with Problem Solving, PDCA, and while creating FMEA.


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