Module 13


Quick Setup Methodology / SMED Simulation Game: Breaking-through to Dramatic Setup Time Reduction


SMED as a quick setups methodology is nowadays widely used in LEAN environments. Methodology is not complex, well described, and many good practices are commonly available.

What does Module 13 separate from the rest of the pack?
Obviously, full SMED methodology in a user- friendly topical form and concise presentation. First of all, providing an excellent SMED Simulation Game. Its primary objective is breaking through to achieving a dramatic reduction of the overall setup time. A breakthrough takes place by changing the way of perceiving the setup process, especially the way to set targets.
The simulation gets started with a typical procedure of breaking the process down to internal and external operations. Through all of the three rounds of the game, participants are directed to go beyond the borders of typical reasoning to discover the true potential of SMED and find ways to achieve a dramatic improvement. The pioneering element is to set the objectives which at first sight may seem unreal, but they will become entirely feasible after an appropriate ‘resetting’ to the SMED approach.

SMED simulation include two identical sets for two teams to compete. It works perfectly!

Recommended Audience

Process engineers, leaders, managers and LEAN specialists, Production leaders and wider management staff.


Concise presentation, short lectures, individual exercises, group activities and discussions and Q&A. Simulation Game!

Learning Objectives

SMED / Quick Setup Methodology / Simulation Game (1 day).

  • Learning the SMED concept: principles and aims of the method.
  • Why reduction / optimization of the setup times is critical for the Availability component in the OEE productivity?
  • How do we convert internal operations into external? And how to optimize the total time of the setup.
  • SEMD Workshop, principles for the effective streamlining and standardizing of the process of changeover.
  • A SMED Simulation

Tools / Templates / Methods

  • SMED Simulation Game. A very impressive and effective stimulation of making a breakthrough in the reduction of the total duration time of the setup. Two 3-person teams competing with each other are intended to discover a SMED method leading to a dramatic reduction of the time.
  • SMED Standard Work Combination Table. An example of a typical standard in defining the operations (actions) to be performed during the setup, their sequence and duration. Necessary for the training of the production personnel.
  • SMED Standard Setup Reduction Worksheet. Used during the SMED workshop.

Price: Presentation Only

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Price: Simulation Game + Presentation (Incl. Shipping Cost)

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