Improving OEE

Module 10

Improving OEE

Eliminating Losses / Reducing Cost / Enhancing Operating at Cost Effective Rates


OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness – illustrates the level of productivity of machinery and production lines; it is also a determinant for real production potential (capacity). It is expressed in % where a 100% OEE should be understood as a non-stop production status, without any stoppage or downtime, setups and breakdowns, micro-stoppages and speed losses, with no need of maintenance and without any quality defects. Actually, a 100% OEE is simply not possible because… such machinery has not been invented yet.

In module 10 of the LEAN Academy we will become acquainted with all indispensable details required for appropriate understanding of OEE rules and its components: Availability, Performance and Quality. If correctly calculated, the OEE index provides a lot of valuable data. First of all, how ineffectively the machine is operated and what exactly causes productivity losses (NON-OEE). We will learn the factors that cause losses in Availability and Performance. The NON-OEE findings will allow us to target with more accuracy our actions for improvement. This will help to eliminate or reduce such losses. Consequently this will help make the OEE productivity improve.
This module also provides a powerful tool to track OEE.

Recommended Audience

C-Level, Production management staff, leaders, managers and LEAN specialists and wider management staff.


Multimedia presentation, short lectures, individual exercises, group activities and discussions and Q&A

Learning Objectives

Improving OEE / Eliminate Losses / Reduce Cost (1 day).

  • Understanding the basic concepts and philosophy of TPM, whose the most important KPI is the OEE.
  • Learning the OEE calculation methods and the ways of implementation.
  • Explanation how the OEE gives the picture of the waste levels in the process and how it affects the plant capacity and output.
  • Learning the methodology and the approach to the OEE improvement
  • How to make use of the OEE for planning the production performance
  • What is the influence of the OEE on the financial results aspect.

Tools / Templates / Methods

  • OEE Calculations and Reporting Systems. It is a complete and ready-made tool to start measuring OEE and its key elements: Availability, Performance and Quality. The tool provides an easy way to keep statistics and graphs, so that we can analyze the trend for each of the OEE components. An excellent tool for management and analysis.
  • OEE Tracking Board. An example of a visual management tool to track OEE results, actual Availability, Performance and Quality status as well as the key types of losses, e.g. breakdowns, setups, planned and unplanned breaks, etc. An excellent tool for daily management meetings.


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