Visual Management

Module 07

Visual Management

Visual Control / Metrics / Displays / Visual Communication


We believe that Visual Management really works when visiting a factory or company you can immediately get most or at least some top priority information, without asking or exploring the sources of the information. At a glance, all defined information is visible and updated. This is the ideal case of the Visual Factory standard.

Why is this so important? Well, because we want to know how we operate, whether we are on or behind schedule and whether the work standards are respected or not. We need to know the actual status of operations under performance, production progress (schedule), quality situation, safety level etc. What for? To be able to react in real time, fast and effectively before it is too late and a potential loss has become reality.

At this stage of the LEAN Academy we will become familiar with types of Visual Management, with division into areas related to the information displayed on an ongoing basis (Andon) or as a summary of a day – Visual Controls. Indicators, charts and graphs displaying a trend or progress in the plan / assignments – Visual Metrics. The elements related to visual transmission of information (e.g. vertical, horizontal markings, instructions, zoning, posters, boards etc.) – Visual Displays.

Recommended Audience

Leaders, managers and LEAN specialists and wider admin staff within the organization.


Multimedia presentation, short lectures, individual exercises, group activities and discussions and Q&A

Learning Objectives

Visual Management (1 day).

  • Understanding how Visual Management promotes the safety and „Zero” accidents and incidents policy
  • Understanding that Visual Management is an integral part of the LEAN transformation and Continuous Improvement
  • Learning the methods of instant information transmission – visually. Just one look and the status is instantly known.
  • Acquisition of knowledge and practice in obtaining stabilization of the processes, reduction of volatility and fluctuations in the processes and achieving increased efficiency.
  • Learning to respond to visual signals in real time, here and now, before it is too late.

Tools / Templates / Methods

  • One-Point-Lesson. A standard one-page template for a description of a reference solution to the problem so that it has become the standard for all, or a problem description given to be displayed for everybody to see so that it can be avoided and not duplicated.
  • A3 Storyboard. A visual tool for solving problems using a visual approach to the methodology of PDCA. A very effective transfer of good practices and an effective tool for solving complicated and complex problems.


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