Kanban Pull Flow

Module 03

Kanban Pull Flow System

Sizing Kanban Loops & Shopstocks Setting Daily Operations & Management System


Theoretically Kanban System is a set of simple rules to follow: to produce or provide only what customer wants and when he wants it. This rule requires to have right information at right time. That is exactly the function of Kanban to control and manage the information flow.

In practice, setting the Pull Flow System that works really effectively is a challenge. One of the main reasons companies fail is they find it difficult to adjust to the principles of Kanban. The knowledge of the system is generally not a problem. There are also many other good practices available in the market… So what is missing and preventing us from succeeding.

Our experience shows that, in most cases, companies are missing the right tools and the appropriate approach to effectively manage them. The right tool means to possess the capability to easily adjust the system to fluctuating demand. The right approach means to follow Kanban philosophy and to be very consistent and… patient!

This module of the LEAN Academy, apart from expertise provides the necessary tools and templates to successfully launch the Kanban System. The package offers a comfortable work experience and expected satisfaction while using the system every day.

Recommended Audience

Lean Leaders, Production and Logistics management and operations staff


Multimedia presentation, short lectures, individual exercises, group activities and discussions and Q&A

Learning Objectives

Kanban Pull Flow System (1 day).

  • Review of the existing knowledge about the Kanban Pull Flow system.
  • Understanding the operational principles of the Pull Flow System within the production (Production Kanban) and material flow (Transportation Kanban)
  • The function of the Waiting Queue in the Production Kanban.
  • Principles of sizing the supermarket or shop-stocks
  • Learning about a Sequencer, or Heijunka
  • Visual management in the Pull Flow system.
  • Presentation of the Kanban Toolkit.

Tools / Templates / Methods

  • Calculation of the loop size in the Production Instruction Kanban. A complete tool in MS Excel spreadsheet to establish the Pull Flow system between two processes. The tool calculates the right number of cards (or signals) in the loop per each part number which is covered by Kanban system. This is an advanced data base to adjust easily the size of Kanban loops to the changing production conditions, especially taking into consideration the variability and fluctuations in the customer forecast and demand
  • OPTION: A tool for printing the Kanban cards.


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